Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Story time | We were followed, stay safe while traveling!

So, one of our first trips we went to Savannah Georgia to experience their river walk. After walking around looking like tourist for about half an hour, I noticed a person walking behind us and stopping to sit and watch us. Not completely weird, for all I know he likes to people watch, same as me. I continued to keep an eye on him while we walked and my husband took pictures. By this time we made it to the restuarant/shopping/hotel covered area and this guy had been ducking behind trees and sitting and waiting then following us after we had walked a bit. I don't know who this guy is or what his intentions are, so we walk past the covered area and duck into a shop and wait. When we walk back out he's gone and we continue the rest of our journey, keeping our eyes open for him or anyone else who would do the same thing. The thing for you guys to keep in mind is to always keep a weather eye out for the people who are looking to hurt you. My dad taught me to always be aware of my surroundings, to travel armed and in a group of trusted people (if you can find them). Listening to that advice kept us from who knows what with this guy. Just remember to always be aware of your surroundings. Just take a minute and look around. What do you see? Can you see the potential for harm? If you do or you become uncomfortable, just leave, you can always come back again if you want to.

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