Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What is Wanderlust?

What is wanderlust? Oxford dictionary describes it as a, "strong desire to travel", with use begining in the early 20th century as a German word. Merriam Webster has an even better definition of wanderlust: "a strong longing or impulse toward wandering". I love this definition because it brings into the equation the definite physical pull towards wandering away through the world that I feel. Merriam webster also puts the first usage of the word in 1875. While looking up the definition I found a site with other words that help to define what goes on in a mind like mine. My favorite one is also german, it is:
Fernweh (n.)
Origin: German
An ache for distance places; the craving for travel

This mixed with the Merriam Webster definition I think is the best way to describe what it means when I say the wanderlust has me and I can't wait to get out of here! :D There are many places I want to go, just because I haven't been. Do you ever look down the road and feel you could just keep going? Are you ok with leaving everything behind for adventure? Do you want to see a place, no matter how glamorous or developed? (maybe even it is better if it's just a forest :) ) Then you too may be struck with Fernweh or wanderlust!

How does this effect us? Well, like I've said before I have to do it or I get real grumpy! lol You could compare it to the same drive you feel to eat or sleep. The same drive that you have to create or bond. It just one more driving factor in our lives that determines how we live our life. Because of this I'm not interested in fancy living spaces, just ones that move with me. I'm not interested in having lots of things, but things that help me get down the road like a well maintained vehicle and something to sleep in while I move from place to place.

We've talked about the Introvert Cave before and how we believe this will give us the best chance of seeing the length and breadth of this country we love so much. We both want to see places across the pond, but seeing the amazing landscape of our home is where we are starting. This is just the begining of our travel life. We are so happy you are with us as we settle our wanderlust!

List of words that can also describe wanderlust: http://www.geckosadventures.com/tales/24-inspiring-travel-words-youve-never-heard-of/
Merriam Websters definition of wanderlust: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/wanderlust

Our Store: http://www.zazzle.com/sleepybluekitty/products
X: Introverted Traveler
Instagram: Introverted Traveler

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What is Wanderlust?

What is wanderlust? Oxford dictionary describes it as a, "strong desire to travel", with use begining in the early 20th century...