Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Wanderlust and Disappointment

We recently visited Finlay Park in Columbia South Carolina. It's a beautiful park with many sitting areas. You can enjoy the breeze and the sun set while listening to the squirrels scurry across trees and the fountain splash water on the man made lake. Although it's cooler weather made for an excellent break from the heat and humidity of Charleston, we did run into some disappointment on this wander. We went here specifically to see the waterfall fountain they had created. We did some research before leaving, but during our digging didn't see that the fountain had been broken for a year. Sometimes you can do research and still not know how things are until you get there. That's part of the wonder of travel as well, your eyes are opened to how things really are.
That brings me to the second, but different, disappointment. During the research phase of our wander we saw comments that the homeless utilize the park and what we saw when we got there broke my heart, but in a way also revitalized it. When you walk the park there are the expected locals and kids that have nowhere to else to go. When we came to the second stage they have we saw at least two lines of people sleeping. You could tell by the state of their clothes and the bags they were carrying they have been homeless for awhile. While walking through we saw what appeared to be a recent vet scoping out a place to sit with only his pack and some water. He looked as though he had been without a roof over his head in awhile. We also saw the homeless in the tree seating for the grass island stage.
These are the people touched by disappointment, by hard times and forgotten futures. Seeing them reminded me that the human spirit, although crushed, can be revitilized when we help each other. So, I was reminded that when you travel through this life to help your fellow man. Don't be part of the disappointment that others go through, but instead be part of the rekindling of the human spirit that exists in us all. You can do this by volunteering time or money to outreach programs and through prayer God can lead you to the right place. I think it's important to remember when we wander that disappointments are part of life, it's what we do about them that determines whether it's a lesson or a pit.

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What is Wanderlust?

What is wanderlust? Oxford dictionary describes it as a, "strong desire to travel", with use begining in the early 20th century...