Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Why Knowing Laws and Getting Engaged matters

Today I want to talk about why staying informed about the laws in not only your area, but the country is important. Here is a quote from RoadTreking.com about find free places to park overnight and how these places are slowly going away due to legislation.
"What so many of us object to are discriminatory laws and local ordinances that prohibit traveling RVers from overnighting in places like rest areas, Wal-Mart parking lots and other places. I'm not talking about setting up camp, putting out the chairs, starting a campfire. I'm talking about spending a few hours sleeping overnight before hitting the road again as we are on our way somewhere. Often, we're on our way to a campground where we'll stay for several days. Overnight Parking is not camping, it's parking. Lots of places welcome us. Wal-mart company policy, for example, is to allow overnight RV parking. Sam Walton, the founder, was an RVer and also realized that the RVers who overnighted in his lot bought groceries and supplies from his store. But corporate policy is trumped when a local ordinance bans overnight parking."

Whether we are talking about camping or larger issues, staying up to date on the laws of a country, state, city or town is important. I think it's also important we realize where these laws are coming from. Who wants to put these laws into place? Do they want to help people or does the law create problems? In the example I just read larger camp grounds like KOA are getting together and attempting to make this law everywhere. This way no matter what you are doing, you have to stay in a camp site.

I'm a small government conservative and where I can understand the desire to keep people from stopping over in a neighborhood, stopping for a few hours at a rest stop shouldn't be prohibited. Isn't that what we are constantly encouraged to do? If you feel sleepy; stop and rest. Better to stop and rest than be on the road endangering people. Isn't that why rest stops were created?

When it comes to businesses allowing over night stops, shouldn't that be allowed according to the business policy? I'm not a fan of creating laws just to line pockets or because someone just feels the need for it. Instead I would like to see the camp sites be creative and provide the service that Wal-Mart does. Make a place to stay over night where I can also load up or get a bite to eat. I wold be more likely to patronize your camp grounds if I have this good interaction in the first place.

Being able to maintain freedom in your area is why it's so important to pay attention to what laws are being passed and who we are putting into office to pass or reject those laws. Ultimately we are the guardians of our own freedom. What do you guys think?

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