Friday, November 25, 2016

Tuskegee Airmen Memorial - Walterboro South Carolina

It's November and every year this is the time to learn our history as a country. What keeps us free, what makes us great and the sacrifice that is required for these things. The Tuskegee Airmen are one such example of those who sacrificed and what we can accomplish when hate and bigotry are set aside for love and common sense.

Enjoy the video

While there the stillness of the air provided an atmosphere of contemplation. The plagues and information boards give a small window into the life and times of our boys. What has inspired me most about these men (and others before them) is knowing that as they fight they protect not only the lives they love, but the lives of those who would sooner see them dead. When you fight in our armed forces you fight for not only those you love, but those who ideals are totally abhorent to you. This I think is something that is sometimes hard to remember. Our fighters, our boys; fight for us all. Never forget that these men draw lines in the sand and defend those lines. They make it possible, in a very real sense, for each of us to fight over ideals from our keyboards; rather than having to pick up weapons everyday and fight off those that would tear down the fabric of this nation. Remember to thank them for the freedom and ease that you have. It was won with bitter cost.

Important tidbits:
  1. Tuskegee Airmen monumnet is located: 537 Aviation Way, Walterboro, SC 29488
  2. There are no bathrooms
  3. It is wheelchair accessable
  4. There are no water fountians
  5. The monument is dog friendly, you must pick up after the dog and the dog must be leashed.
  6. It's open sun up to sun down.

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