Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Colonial Lake, Charlestons Oldest Pond

I recently had the pleasure to revisit Colonial Lake Park. Before it was redone by the Charleston Park Conservancy it was basically a tidal pond with some cement around it. There were a few palm trees here and there, but to my recollection there was no seating and the area around the pond was very hot. My husband and I found it by accident one day. We could find no sign for the area and had no idea what we had really come across. With the improvements made to the area by the conservancy I now think of it as a park, rather than the cement pond we found. Images of the pond in it's different forms can be found here. This park has been around since the late 1700's and has it's history wrapped up in the changing shape and ideas of freedom that molded Charleston since it's founding.

What I most liked about the revamp of the park was the greening of it. Now you can walk around this pond, get some sun, and then rest in the gathering cool of the trees that are on the corner and sides of the pond itself. In doing research for this park I came across several articles that showed the people of the area are heavily invested in what happens to it. They have, several times, stopped different types of beautification from happening siting many reasons it should not be done. For us this means the park is dearly loved by many people. It's not a place that was changed solely to attract to visitors, but, to be agreeable to those who live around it. I have read stories that people regale about coming to this tidal pond and swimming, taking picnics and just generally enjoying themselves outdoors at the park across the street called Moultrie Playground.

Colonial Lake Charleston South Carolina Colonial Lake Charleston South Carolina Colonial Lake Charleston South Carolina

I would recommend this area for a good half hour walk to stretch the legs. It has some very nice green spaces, you are surrounded on all sides by the classic Charleston homes, and when the wind is right, you have the smell of the sea with the lapping of the water making for a very relaxing area. We plan to visit it again with our dog.

Now down to the important wonderings:

  • Colonial Lake Park is located at 41 Ashley Ave., Charleston, South Carolina 29401 {This is actually the address to Moultrie Playground, when I put in the original address, it takes you to someones home. If you are using a different GPS system change the 41 to a 42}
  • This park is wheelchair accessable. The park is level and well kept so no extra planning is needed.
  • There are no public bathrooms available. Plan accordingly.
  • Although the water is said to be swimmable, we can find nothing that says it's ok and nothing that says don't do it. Swim at your own risk.
  • We could find two water fountains, so no worries there.

Thank you for reading and joining us on this wander! If you want to learn more about this historic Park, click here.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Ft. Moultrie - a building in time

If walls could talk Fort Moultrie would be the story teller who gets first place by the fire. The history of this fort spans from the early 1700 to the end of World War 2. I have been to this site many times and every time I go; I can't help but wonder what it must have been like in the heydays of this very historic fort. As I stand on the grass that was once a platform for soldiers to reveille I wonder to myself what loves lost were thought of here? Did commanders wonder if they would succeed? Did they mourn each other with the foreknowledge that some may not come home? These are things this old fort makes me wonder.

Fort Moultrie is a favorite for locals and visitors alike as it has cannons from the civil war and war equipment from the world wars as well. The place is said to be haunted by soldiers who fell on the beach, however, I can't find any stories to confirm this. Along with the main fort, there is an abandoned area that you can walk around but not into. It has been deemed unsafe and has many areas that are closed off to the public. Once you leave the forts there are two access points to the beach. One walk way leads out to a rocky out cropping which can be beautiful on its own. Then you can also visit the Sullivans Island beach. Neither of these are beaches for swimming. We still recommend them as places to watch the sunrise or set. As you can see in our video that can be very beautiful. You also have a chance to watch all kinds of boats float by and have a great view of the suspension bridge.

Fort Moultrie Sullivans Island Fort Moultrie Sullivans Island

Fort Moultrie is part of a historic trust called, "The Fort Sumter-Fort Moultrie Historic Trust". This trust actually includes four areas of historical interest: Fort Sumter, Fort Moultrie, Liberty Square and the Charles Pinckney Site. Each one has a learning area and then an area to walk around to experience a taste of southern history. Watch the video below for more details about that. Another note of interest for literary scholars or just those interested in horror/macabre: Edgar Alan Poe was stationed here during his short tour in the military. It has been recorded that the area was inspiring for many of his stories, namely: "The Gold Bug". If you get a chance visit Poe's Tavern about ten minutes away from the fort to have a great meal.

Fort Moultrie Sullivans Island
To enjoy even more photos taken at the fort check out our: Flickr Album

Now lets get down to the important tid bits:
  • Fort Moultrie is located at 1214 Middle Street, Sullivan's Island South Carolina 29482
  • It is mostly wheelchair accessible. There are many areas that are well built and others that are dirt and grass.
  • It cost 3$ a person to get in. They do have times when it is free. Usually after the summer time.
  • Bathrooms are available as well as water and souvenirs at the welcome area.
  • Be sure to ask the ranger on duty for any pamphlets or information for wandering this site. They should give a packet that contain the history of the area and other ways to participate in caring for the history of this area. Watch the video below for more information about that.

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