Monday, May 16, 2016

Angel Oak - a tucked away echo

The angel oak tree is estimated to be anywhere between 300-500 years old. It grows silently and unassumingly down a dirt and gravel path. Guarded by a church and the denizens of the gift shop it is a sight to behold. Standing by it you are witness to a creation that is an echo of times long past. Memories of fairy tale forests where, often, the best of adventures and lessons are discovered.

This is one of those adventures you just have to go see for yourself. All the words in all the world can not describe the majesty of the age of this tree. It makes me think of how it must have been in the garden of Eden when man lived in concert with nature and God walked the Earth in the cool of evening.

Enjoy the slide show!

My reverie was soon broken by the denizens of the gift shop who come out to check and make sure no one is sitting on the old oak. Yelling at anyone who even looks like they might be about to lay their gluteus maximus upon the lower branches. Here; they are serious about conservation, no ifs ands or butts.

Angel Oak Charleston

The tree itself has several supporting harnesses and poles. Even with that, it was a nice experience. When we went a family was there comparing their growth to the width of the tree. I have had several people tell me that it is a tradition for their family to have family portraits by this tree, a hallmark of the south.

Angel Oak

Angel Oak is located at, 3688 Angel Oak Rd, Johns Island, SC 29455. You can call them at (843) 559-3496.
  1. Angel Oak is wheel chair accessible but the grounds are not developed so plan accordingly
  2. This is a free admission site
  3. Dogs are not allowed with only service animals as an exception
  4. You can not take pictures or video inside the gift shop

Even with some distractions this is still a good wander for your travels. You are unlikely to see anything like it again and when you see it, you'll never forget it.

Check out our store!

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