Tuesday, April 5, 2016

YMCA Flowertown Festival - a taste of everything Summerville

The Flowertown Festival, also known as the azalea festival, is a yearly event put on by the local YMCA and several supporters. It's designed to be a fundraising event and that lets you experience everything that Summerville has to offer!


There is a lot going on at the Flowertown Festival so lets just jump into the need to know's:
  1. The event is mostly wheelchair accessible. They have done better this year than in previous years, however, the wheel chair accessible area is limited to the main road. After that you have dirt/gravel walk laid down to facilitate wheel chairs, prams, and strollers. When it rains this walk becomes muddy and difficult to maneuver, so plan ahead.
  2. It is hot out there! This festival takes place during the Spring. Here in South Carolina that can mean temperatures between 75-100 degrees. This area is semitropical so rain is also not out of the ordinary. Be sure to take sunscreen, plenty of water and a hat just to be sure you are covered.
  3. Animals are not allowed at this event. Even though this is an outdoor event, they do not allow recreational animals. Service animals are welcome and should be properly tagged so everyone can see.
  4. Friday is the best time to go. People coming from out of town are settling in and haven't made their way to the festival just yet and locals are still working. If you want a less crowded experience, this is what we suggest.
  5. Parking can be a chore. Several churches around the festival provide all day parking for $5 a day. The free parking is vast, but can fill up quickly if you don't get there early.

There are many things to see at this annual festival. People give away free samples and it is a great way to add some southern decor to your home. This is an international festival and that means some of the vendors you see will not be from South Carolina. If you are wanting something authentically southern be sure to check with the vendor before purchasing. As locals, we continue to go for the food. Several different vendors hand out free samples and if you get your picture taken by the Summerville Journal Scene they will give you free ice cream! A little tip for staying out of the sun: if you go beyond the table set up behind the food you will notice an incline and a then a side walk. This is a great place to sit in the shade and enjoy your food. The only thing asked is; you do not go into the yards of the people who live on the street and please pick up your trash!


We suggest that you take a least two days to participate in this event because of how large it is. This is a free admission event and you are not required to purchase anything. My husband and I go and have a lot of fun just looking at everything that people have to offer. This type of festival also lends itself to great photo opportunities for families and friends a like. I like to always get a picture with the big cup of sweet tea that McAlisters Deli has sitting next to their booth. This festival sits in middle of Azalea Park for which the festival was originally named. The park includes gazebos, ponds and statues to enjoy, take pictures by and generally have a great time.

Azalea Flowertown Festival 2016

Overall this is an enjoyable event that you can attend every year and one we hope you will enjoy on your next wander!

Check out our store!

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