Monday, February 15, 2016

Sheldon Church - An Enigma

Sheldon church is one of the earliest churches built in the low country. Not in use today it sits about an hour and ten minutes outside of Summerville, South Carolina. Sheldon church sits directly off Highway 17. Parking can be awkward, as there is only space to parallel park in front of the church. Also, there is parking across the street in a cleared graveled area. Be careful, if you aren't looking for it, you will drive right by it because there are no clear signs to the church before you get there. Using Google maps my husband and I were able to get there with no problems, but you will still have to keep an eye out.


Once onto the grounds a strange sort of hush falls over the area. The sounds of the road fade away and you are instantly swept into, what I can only describe as, a different time. The church itself seems to whisper about the love and tragedy that it has seen. Standing still to remind us that though the names and places may change, we all still face the same challenges. Love, Loss and standing for beliefs that weave our choices into the history of mankind.

Sheldon church is wheel chair accessible onto the church grounds. The grounds are not developed so plan accordingly. Sheldon church is admission free and also has picnic tables perfect for a light lunch there. The trees and over all area provide wonderful photo ops so be sure to bring your camera or camcorder you don't want to miss out!

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