Thursday, February 25, 2016

Charlestons' 5th Annual Food truck Festival

Food from a food truck may not be the most exciting outing. However, here in the south, it is equal to the food stands found in other parts of the world. You can find them just about anywhere with all kinds of different foods. They are held to same standards as restaurants so you should have no fear of eating from the fabled roach coach. There were pros and cons to this festival so lets just get right into it.

5th Charleston Food truck Festival1


1> This was an open air festival. There were many beautiful dogs and many children. If you had a festival like this indoors it would start to get pretty nasty pretty fast.
2> The variety of food. There was everything from an all bacon truck, to a cupcake truck, a little gelato car and a greek food truck. Just about any type of food that you could want you were able to get.

5th Charleston Food truck Festival 3


1> The lines! I was looking forward to the all bacon truck and the mac'n'cheese truck. The lines for both was almost to the entryway. I went with two other people who also were looking forward to different trucks that were there. By talking and listening to the other people around us the wait for some was thirty minutes. In the end we left without getting any food.
2> Parking. As with most of the events in Downtown Charleston the parking is not ideal. Best case scenario you pay for parking in a parking structure and were bused over in a free trolley they had running for the majority of the event. What this travel ended up doing is parking in a an empty lot down the road and walking into the area where the food trucks were staged.
3> As seen in the video below, the crush of people was also pretty bad. This con ties in with the first one. There weren't enough tables or places to stand or sit to eat so people just stood wherever they could to eat the food. Granted that food looked yummy! However most people weren't able to get through the lines to get it, if you notice most people in the video don't have food or are still waiting to get some.

If you have a day to kill and don't mind spending it in loose lines for food and listening to live music this is definitely up your alley! The only suggestions that I would have for Charleston County is to better organize it. I will go back if it gets better organized.

Charlestons 5th Annual Food truck Festival

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